The disease can produce diverse symptoms, depending on the virus strain and the host species or cultivar infected. However, in most cultivars, the virus is latent, which implies that infected trees do not show observable symptoms. Symptoms on leaves are characterized by chlorotic leaf spots and line patterns and can lead to premature leaf drop. Trees appear stunted in growth and their inner bark and diseased buds are black in color. Terminal die back is also an apparent symptom of the virus. It can also cause dark green sunken spots or wavy lines on apple leaves.
To this day, we are not aware of any biological control method available against this disease. If you know of any successful method to reduce the incidence or he gravity of the symptoms, please contact us.
Always consider an integrated approach with preventive measures together with biological treatments if available. We are not aware of any chemical control method against this disease. If you know of any successful method to reduce the incidence or gravity of the symptoms, please contact us.
Disease is caused by a virus of the Trichovirus group, and it is one of the most economically important viruses affecting stone and pome fruits. The disease is transmitted through vegetative propagation, grafting and top working. This virus can have a devastating effect on apple growth and productivity. Absence of visible symptoms on most infected trees increases the risk of unintentional distribution of infected stock. The virus can have a devastating effect on apple growth and productivity by up to 30%.