Phosphorus Deficiency - Sugarcane

Sugarcane Sugarcane


What kind of disease caused this to my sugarcane plant

Leaves changing its color from green to pinkish/ violet. Not sure it is a disease or some kind of insect causing it. These plants are just 1 month old.


Hi Sarvesh Deshpande . Please compare symptoms with Phosphorus Deficiency by clicking on green link for taking control measures from Plantix. Also need to apply good amount of well decomposed Farm Yard manure or Vermicompost along with recommended dosage of fertilizers of your area or you can also use fertilizer calculater available here on home page of Plantix to increase your crop growth and productivity. Apart, you can also use or create a "Cultivation Tips" for Sugarcane in Plantix. It provides you information on how to optimize your crop production. 


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Great suggestion by Suresh Gollar g👌👌


Dear Sarvesh Deshpande the above suggestion is quite correct


NPK 12;61:00 75grm Mangala Bio 2050ml 10lit /spery Sarvesh Deshpande


Suresh Gollar Tufail Abbas Vijayakumar Basal dose were given at the time of sowing 100 kg DAP + 50 kg potash , after that very recently exactly at completion of one month we again applied fertilizer dose of 50 kg DAP + 50 kg potash + 100 kg urea. Is phosphorus really deficient after applying such great amount of fertilizer or my plant is not able take up the phosphorus from soil? Please help I am bit confused.


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