Potassium Deficiency - Sugarcane

Sugarcane Sugarcane


Some area in my field sugarcane looks like dis... what may be the cause..?

Younger leaves are in green and after all leaf are looking like this... crop age is 7months


Iranna Bani Seems like that your plants might be suffering from পটাশিয়ামের অভাবজনিত লক্ষণ. So, click on the green link for comparison and correction measures.


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IS any product are there to quickly result


Iranna Bani Yes, of course, you can use muriate of potash fertiliser by top dressing combined with urea. Then earthen up by side dressing.


Hi Iranna Bani I agree with Sali sir It's due toPotassium Deficiency Potassium deficiency made worse by Acidic soils (low pH) Sandy or light soils (leaching) Drought conditions High rainfall (leaching) or heavy irrigation Heavy clay (illite) soils Soils with low K reserves Magnesium rich soils


Degradation of soil fertility due to significant nutrient demands by crops and imbalanced fertilizer application is very common in the arable lands like Uttar Pradesh in India. While practices of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P) application have been established and disseminated, potassium (K) crop and soil requirements are almost ignored. Sugarcane (Saccharum officinarum L.) is among the most important cash crops grown in Uttar Pradesh, however, productivity is low compared to its well-demonstrated potential. This study aimed to evaluate and demonstrate the principal contribution of K application in increasing sugarcane yield and profitability and to raise the awareness of stakeholders and growers of the vital need to develop balanced, K-inclusive fertilization regimes for this crop. A comprehensive experiment was carried out during the seasons of 2014-2015 and 2015-2016 in seven districts of Uttar Pradesh, which included 161 pairwise, control vs. K-applied, demonstration plot trials. The K-applied plots received a standard dose of 150 kg K2O ha-1, in addition to the common urea and di-ammonium phosphate (DAP) doses (175 and 80 kg ha-1 of N and P2O5, respectively). The additional K application resulted in a significant increase in sugarcane yield, from 62 to 71.4 Mg ha-1 in the control and K-applied plots, respectively. With an average yield increase of 9.35 Mg ha-1 (15.7%), and an average additional profit of 267,931 Rs ha-1, the benefits arising from K application to the sugarcane grower are clear. However, significant differences in the control yields between eastern and western districts, and furthermore, considerable diversity in the yield response to K application in western districts highlights the significant impact that local conditions can have. While the K dose employed in the present study (150 kg K2O ha-1) can be recommended to sugarcane farmers in the short-term as a transient means to obtain higher yields and profits, further research is needed to determine appropriate K doses and application practices that ensure balanced crop nutrition, optimum fertilizer use, sufficient K availability, and sustainable soil fertility.


Its been 8months .. What can i go for MOP 1bag /acre along with urea 1bag


It is due to potassium deficiency. Especially comes in decan plative like maharashtra, Karnataka, telangana etc..


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