What is this disease.what chemical I have to used. I found this disease in one acre. I used two packs of virtako each contain 4kg weight in this field but not useful.
I found small white insect in heart of plant . Leaves turned into yellow and become dry .The variety that I grow is 47.
4 years ago
Hi Amir Sultan. As per your sent image and explanation, I think it's Early Shoot Borer. Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.
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4 years ago
Hi Amir Sultan , The current situation of your plant is called dead heart. In 47 it is very common due to the attack of borers. Please share few more details for your better guidace. How many plant have such symptoms in your plot? Have you done the application of any chemical?
4 years ago
I found 90% plants that show these symptoms.One week ago I applied insecticide called VIRTAKO 4kg pack and a pack of SULPHUR but not any essential result I got.
4 years ago
Amir Sultan yes it is good
4 years ago
Tell me what chemical I have to used
4 years ago
Regent dalo 6 kg per acer