Its 3months sugarcane... some plants are stunted in growth... what may the reason..?
Its growing like grass not yet cane set up
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Learn more about PlantixIts growing like grass not yet cane set up
Insects are present at this plant. tell me about this attack
The leaves are getting curled and tied together
The cereal crop is not getting stirred due to this disease.
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
தழைச்சத்து பற்றாக்குறை Looks like nutrient deficiency Iranna Bani
4 years ago
No madam aren't i feel like deficiency.... is it grassy disease..?
4 years ago
Hi dear dear Iranna Bani how are you this disease commonly we called Grassy Shoot of Sugarcane also we called white leaf disease of Sugarcane identity of disease that the infected leaves will narrow then healthy leaves and mostly spread by due to Brown Planthopper spray Lambda cylothrine or Chlorpyrifos and 25 kg potash powder+6 kg zinc in flood dear
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4 years ago
Iranna Bani I think it's due to Grassy Shoot of Sugarcane Plz click on the green link to for more information and preventive measure
4 years ago
Iranna Bani Ya it's like ਗੰਨੇ ਤੇ ਘਾਹ ਵਰਗੀਆਂ ਸ਼ਾਖ਼ਾਂ ਦਾ ਰੋਗ .
4 years ago
Iranna Bani its Grassy Shoot of Sugarcane The disease is caused by Mycoplasma like organisms. Mycoplasma cells are physically small. Transmitted by aphid insect Spray dimethoate 1ml in 1 litre of water to control insect vector Apply pesticide methyl-demeton 2ml/lit of water for controlling aphids And Uprooted infected plants need to disposed of by burning them.
4 years ago
Leaf Scald of Sugarcane
4 years ago
Escaldadura da folha