What is the solution for this problem in sugarcane
What is the solution for this problem in sugarcane
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Leaves changing its color from green to pinkish/ violet. Not sure it is a disease or some kind of insect causing it. These plants are just 1 month old.
Sir iska koi upay bataiye kisko jar se kese khatam kare
Creamy or gel like substance on the sugarcane
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
Know all about your crop to increase your yield!
Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Can anyone help
4 years ago
Dear Rahul It is stem borer. It enters the stem and eat the Central portion of the stem . Spray 2.0 ml Chloropyriphos in one litre of water . About 300 litres of solution may be required per acre. Spray only if the incidence is high, otherwise the biological agents will control the pests. About 600 litres of solution may be required per acre Good luck
4 years ago
flood fipronil Rahul
4 years ago
Hi Rahul. Your Sugarcane plant is severely effected by Sugarcane Borer and Red Rot too. Lets click on both green links for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library as well.
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4 years ago
How to cure this
4 years ago
Hi Rahul. As I said above, its Sugarcane Borer . Lets click on green link for taking control measures.
4 years ago
What is solution for this problem in sugarcane
4 years ago
Hi Praksh Yelne . Send pictures with your proper query.
4 years ago
Mejer control