Nitrogen Deficiency - Sugarcane

Sugarcane Sugarcane


some of Sugarcane crop leaves became yellow and remained stunted suggest me solution

some of Sugarcane crop leaves became yellow and remained stunted


Hi Digambar S Sawant . It looks like Iron Deficiency and Nitrogen Deficiency . Let's click on bothgreen links for checking symptoms and taking control measures. Apply recommend dosage of fertilizers and Manures to get good growth and yield.


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Hi Digambar S Sawant suresh is right this is iron+nitrogen deficiency let me inform you 1 during sowing time put carbofuron in line with sugarcane 2 spray atrazine+mesotrion 500 ml per 8 kanals at post emergence for weeds 3 after 21 days spray chloropyriphos for shoot borer After 45 days 1 bag urea (nitrogen) +25 kg potash + 6 kg zinc mix in water and flood it After 7 days put carbofuron 6 to 8 kg per 8 kanals for termites and stem borer and spray chloropyriphos again Hope it will enogh for you


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