Sugarcane White Grub - Sugarcane

Sugarcane Sugarcane


How to control white grub in sugar cane

root grub in sugar cane


for Sugarcane White Grub management 1) In April-May install light trap near Neem, Babhul tree. Shake the plant and collect adult beetles and dip in kerosine or Insecticide solution. 2) Flooding (Water stagnation in field) for minimum 12 hour in field should be done. 3) Drenching of fungus Metarhizium anisopliae 1liter in 100 liter water is effective. 4) Chloropyrifos 20% EC is also effective. 5) If Infestation is more then drenching with Fipronil 40% should be done. Thanks.


it is Sugarcane White Grub . kindly refer plantix library for more information and description of the problem and management. click on blue link to access the library. Utkarsh mane has given good suggestions.please, follow it. thanks


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