Red Hairy Caterpillar - Peanut

Peanut Peanut


What's wrong with my peanut crop after irrigation 1) it's color changed to yellowish green and 2)leaves of plant having holes.

Leaves of crop having holes and color is yellowish green. It completed almost 2 1\2 months.


Hello dear Sandeep how are you dear spray Lambda cylothrine or chlorpyrifos dear its seem to be Red Hairy Caterpillar eat the leaves dear


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Sandeep ਵਾਲਾਂ ਵਾਲੀ ਲਾਲ ਸੁੰਡੀ If they are in less number you can remove them manually, there is no need of chemicals. Or can go for the application of bifenthrine.


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