Can you suggest the best biological method for control papaya ringspot virus transmittance?
Stunted growth, yellowing and leaf distortion etc
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixStunted growth, yellowing and leaf distortion etc
Leaves gets out of order
On every papaya plant one leaf has spots like this.can anyone suggest better bio products to reduce this problem and how to eradicate it
The papya plant leaf become a yellow an fall down reason behind it
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4 years ago
Hi Siva Kumar Ganiwada There is no control measures available for virus disease. You can use Garlic and Neem oil mixture in soap water to control vectors.
4 years ago
Siva Kumar Ganiwada possibly a virus attack - uproot the plants if the numbers are limited and spray insecticides at regular intervals to control sucking pests
4 years ago
Spray Perfect 2ml/lit it is the herbal product along with neem oil 10000ppm 2ml/lit
4 years ago
Vírus da Mancha Anelar
4 years ago
Vírus do Mosaico do Mamoeiro
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4 years ago
If you click on the green hyperlink that takes you to Plantix Library where everyone can find details on this problem and control measures. 😊😊😉
4 years ago
Hi Siva Kumar Ganiwada You can use RID or AGAR both are biological products for the control of viruses 2ml/lit of water. Apply 3 sprays at 20 days interval for best control.