Please what could be the problem
The okra fruit is getting rotten from the apex
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Learn more about PlantixThe okra fruit is getting rotten from the apex
Small dots and small holes present in okra plant . This diesase are control in condition. Finally when the this photo are uploaded are in okra plant . 1.Small dots 2. Small holes 3. Diesese condition. 4. 10 days are growing in plant 5. In warm and hot climate condition 6. 3 leaves in this plant
Leaf turning yellow starting from the edge and spread to other leafs. Plant will eventually die
I sow this on 4th july near about 20 days plants no any kind of fertilizer I applied. Also advice me a good fertilizer for okra
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Faith Lenzy Might be due to Calcium Deficiency. Please check this link for more details and preventive measures.
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