I found insects on my okra plant. What are their names?
The okra plant has developed some spot holes although leave remains green. Please help. Thank you
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Learn more about PlantixThe okra plant has developed some spot holes although leave remains green. Please help. Thank you
Why is this happening how to solve
The leaf of the ladies finger has become black spot
Is this fine okra plant or some disease has occur and if any then what disease it is and it's cure?
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Agroeco Farm Solutions Spray NSKE 5% to deter pests.
4 years ago
Hi Agroeco Farm Solutions please click on this Green link : الخنفساء البرغوثية
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4 years ago
Sreekanth M Was asking what insect was that on the okra leave?
4 years ago
Hi Agroeco Farm Solutions It looks like Aulacophora femoralis commonly known as pumpkin beetles. (From Chrysomelidae family) Adult pumpkin beetles feed on the foliage and flowers of the host plants; seedlings may be destroyed by heavy attacks and young plants may be severely affected. Several beetles may cluster on a single leaf, leaving other leaves untouched. The beetles feed between the veins, often cutting and removing circular discs which they then eat. The larvae tunnel into the roots, which become swollen, discoloured and distorted, and the plant may die. Thanks for using the plantix community 🙂🙂. Great recommendation Sreekanth M sir and Samira Ghouil سميرة غويل Agroeco Farm Solutions go for application of neem oil.
4 years ago
Perfect! Fuzail I just love your response. I'm now convinced on the authenticity of this platform. Your recommendation is also Organic. How nice!
4 years ago
Thank you so much Agroeco Farm Solutions 🙂🙂