Leaves shrink/contracted & subsequently, dead, so provide the best remedial measures....to save the okra
Crop Leaves shrink / contracted and subsequently, dead
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Learn more about PlantixCrop Leaves shrink / contracted and subsequently, dead
Change is leaf. It's folding down words.
White colour bugs on leaves and okra
Numerous black spots are appearing on the leaves. Some spots are removable and some are not.
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4 years ago
Mankirat Herbicide Growth Damage Click on above green link so that we can get detail information along with control measures in Plantix library. ☺️☺️
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4 years ago
Not satisfied with the reply
4 years ago
Actually, I want to know..... What is the exact problem ??
4 years ago
Mankirat This is due to drift of herbicide spray. Check with neighbors whether they have done any herbicide spray.
4 years ago
Hi Venkat, May be it was not due to herbicide damage. Might be associated with Aphids or virus infestation. Hello Mankirat, Do you see any insects underside of the leaves?
4 years ago
Sometimes, Mealybug sucks saps underside of the leaves and can form this type of symptoms. So, pls send us a picture showing underside view of the shrunk and distorted leaves. Mankirat