Leaves are turning yellow.
Is this yellow mosaic disease? Please suggest organic remedy
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Learn more about PlantixIs this yellow mosaic disease? Please suggest organic remedy
Okra that is affected by pest which has shot hole like appearance.
what could be the reason for yellow leaves in okra. it just appeared in 2 leaves only in my whole field . could it happen due to over watering ?
A section of the farm the okra develops large seeds while still very young. The texture feels like a hardened maize cob for such a tender plant. What could it be suffering from, since I've been on a regular spraying foliar, pesticide & irrigation schedule.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Tsr Kumar . It's Iron Deficiency . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.
4 years ago
Thanks Suresh. I will add organic manure and try
4 years ago
Welcome Tsr Kumar.
4 years ago
Hi Tsr Kumar The leaf cupping and leaf edge browning of the older okra leaves suggests environmental injury. Okra is a warm season crop that cannot withstand cold temperatures. Other possibilities are excess fertilizer salts in contact with roots or foliage. Poor soil conditions (waterlogging, large amounts of high carbon organic materials, incorrect soil pH, etc.) can also cause early establishment issues. Do not worry just apply amino acid and take care of Thrips and Spider Mites
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4 years ago
Hi Tufail, I am regularly spraying Fish amino and neem oil. BTW, I am in Chennai. Quite hot here around the year. Also it's a soil less medium. Only Coco peat, organic compost and dried cow dung is used to fill the grow bags