Why is it caused?!how should we control this one
Only the veins of lower leaves are affected and yellowing is seen only In veins...only one plant is affected with this thing called rest all are not affected
Learn more about this insect and how to defend your crops!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixOnly the veins of lower leaves are affected and yellowing is seen only In veins...only one plant is affected with this thing called rest all are not affected
Brown spots are occurring on leaves also some insect are found beneath the leave
Okra leaf colour changed to pale yellow
The colour the leaves were changed and also there were some holes some of the damaged part of the leaves had changed to yellow colour with brown spots on it
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
Know all about your crop to increase your yield!
Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Hi Priyanka Satti. Am petty sure its Bhendi Yellow Vein Mosaic Virus . This disease transmits through vectors like Whiteflies . Lets control vectors to control desease. So, click on green links for checking symptoms and taking control measures.
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5 years ago
Is there any home remedy instead of using chemicals or biological remedy's..instead I'm searching for a remedy like applying neem oil?!or someother natural ones!
5 years ago
Yellow vien mosaic. Cut and destroy affected plants and control vectors