Bhi dee (ledy finger)
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White dots that can fly
Okra leaf colour changed to pale yellow
What will be the treatment of this disease
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
Know all about your crop to increase your yield!
Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
Hi! It looks like Saudável . Could you please send us more pictures ?
5 years ago
yeah of course I send you more picture
5 years ago
some please have own by parasites I try some old method and I mix a quarter of animal sit and wooden (burn west) and mix and Sprinkle on it its works.
5 years ago
दिवाकरजी कृपया आपकी क्या समस्या है वह विस्तार से बताईए। धन्यवाद
5 years ago
भिण्डी के पौधों की पत्तियों पर हरे रंग की इल्लियां हैं और वो पत्तियां काट रहीं हैं, मैनें राख ओर गोबर को घोल को पत्तियों पर छिड़का तो कुछ समय के लिए इल्लियां कम हो गई थीं पर वो फिर से पत्तिया काट रही हैं। कृपया समाधान करें और कीटनाशक दवाओं का नाम बताये। धन्यवाद।
5 years ago
Please share problem of your Bhendi plant in detail
5 years ago
On the leaves of Bhindi plants there are green ivories and they are cutting the leaves, I sprayed the ash and cow dung on the leaves, and for some time the ingredients were reduced but they were cutting the leaves again. Please resolve and name the names of pesticides. Thank you.
5 years ago
Diwakar Soni it might be due to Flea Beetle attack. Please have a look in Plantix Library by clicking on above mentioned link. Thanks
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4 years ago
Muli me wait ho gaya he
4 years ago
Sukhdev Munda Flea Beetles उपर दिये हरे लिंक पर क्लिक किजीए ताकी हम प्लँनटिक्स लायब्ररी मे इस समस्या कि संक्षिप्त जाणकारी व निवारण उपायोका विवरण प्राप्त कर सके ☺☺