Leaf Miner Flies - Melon

Melon Melon


What is the remedy of this plant. Fruits are not developing properly.

Watermelon is not blossom all beared fruits are dried up in its early phase.


Hi Chandan Kumar . It might be due improper pollination - allow honey bee boxes to get good pollination. Your plant is effected by Flea Beetles and Leaf Miner Flies . Click on green links for knowing symptoms and taking control measures.


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Hi Chandan Kumar ji, Melon effect due toFlea Beetles and Leaf Miner Flies .For control management click above green link.


Hi Chandan Kumar .This isالخنفساء البرغوثية الذباب صانعات الانفاق .Click on the green links to get more informations and control measures on the plantix libary.


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