Watermelon Mosaic Virus - Melon

Melon Melon


How to cure this in watermelon

I am unable to identify the disease and prevention for it plz help me to identify the disease and suggest cure for it


please provide some more pictures or call on 7755914003 I can help u out as much as possible.


Hi Nitish Pusta . It's Watermelon Mosaic Virus . Click on green link for control measures. Thanks for visiting.


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Suresh Gollar I down voted your answer because the link you provided is not the solution because they says that the disease due the mosaic virus can not be treated their is no effective chemical. If I follow what the link says then I have to wait and watch my plants dieing


Watermelon Mosaic Virus


Nitish Pusta the link is not solution but will advise you about the preventive measures to you.So that the same shouldn't reoccur.


Nitish Pusta so always try to welcome the advise of our experts and the library content which is benefitting millions of people around the globe.I hope you will also be benefitted by library database we have.


How are you so sure that it is watermelon mosaic Virus it could be just the effect of temperature difference or nutrition deficiency. If also it is mosaic virus their so many products available on the market that can cure it. You can suggest some of them but no you want us to be scared. I think the community is to help the farmers right? Sunil Sharma


Mr Nitish Pusta if you are scary and lacking proper knowledge is not a benchmark for all the people in this community.You are violating the purpose of this app by reverting meaningless opinions.Only preventive measures work best in case of averting viral diseases.I hope you are satisfied with my answer


Hi Nitish Pusta . Downvoting is not at all problem. As my expert friend Sunil Sharma rightly said, our efforts are always towards giving possible good advice and preventive measures to farmers through our library. You can take benefit out of it. If any problem you are always welcome. Thank you.


Sunil Sharma sorry for my manners if it violating your policy but just think we are not do farming just for fun or interest. It is our source of income and living we love our crops like our own child. If some some suggest us just wait and watch your crop die and avoid the mistakes in next year we can do it. Ishwar Dombale just ask me to give more info and also share his contact info for better communication and I think he is a expert farmer who clearly described the different cause of such and also suggest me the solution to cure them. And I completely happy with it.


Sunil Sharma Suresh Gollar thanks for your answer but how could I be happy if your answer is not solving my problems. I am very thankful to Ishwar Dombale who talk to me and discuss all possible cause and suggest ways to cure them. Sorry to say but your library need an to be updated and upgraded your databases lacks the practical knowledge. Well I now I have no tights to say this. And Sunil Sharma I am not a expert I am just a farmer I lack the full knowledge that why I am here.


Nitish Pusta Jii we all can be a great team ,I appreciate your concerns and look for further feedback so that we together can improve the disease and pest diagnosing methodology. Stay in touch we always welcome advise from community members.


Hi Nitish Pusta . We included everything in our library. Apart as my friend Sunil Sharma rightly said, if you are not satisfied with our library, you are always welcome your feedback. We will take up the matter in our community and try to solve it. Thanks for your opinion.


Hi Nitish Pusta . The virus can transmit through aphids as vector, so you best control aphids 1st to control virus by clicking on green link given here Aphids . I think you will get chemicals to control vectors, by this your Viru can controlled automatically. Thanks for visiting.


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