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Thrips - Melon

Melon Melon


Fruit Cracking in Muskmelon

Pre or post harvest fruit cracking causes severe losses to both farmers & vendors REASONS 1 Check growing tips, if they are blocked (Leaf curl virus or thrips attack) 2 Irregular irrigation schedule. Sudden irrigation after severe water stress leads to cracking 3 Irregular environmental conditions. Much difference in day & night temperatures causes cracking 4 Calcium & Potassium deficiency REMEDY 1 Follow uniform irrigation schedule 2 Control sucking pest. Install Blue and Yellow sticky traps in large quantity (Yellow 60 & Blue 40 per Acre) right from planting. Carryout sprays of Garlic Extract, Neem Oil, Butter Milk, Fish oil, Bougainvillea leaf extract as they are very good retardants of sucking pests. 3 Give Calcium & Boran at weekly interval from 20th day of sowing 4 Use Ortho Silisic acid in summers to avoid Stress due to high temperature & will also causes hindrance to sucking pest attack.


Tysm for great information.


Venkat Pawar. Ji, Nice tips. But, in what way sucking pests are connected to fruit cracking?


Mahadevaiah N If severe Thrips attack is there which leads to Bud Necrosis of growing stems. In attached photo you can clearly see the symptoms


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Thank you so much sir for such a good and benificial information sir keep continue sir...


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