Need to treat this botrytus attack on grapes! What should apply
Grapes are near to ripening stage but now seems as symptomatic as fungal disease,, I guess it is botrytus attack
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixGrapes are near to ripening stage but now seems as symptomatic as fungal disease,, I guess it is botrytus attack
White spots under the leaf which contains burashi
This is occurred on yound leaves of grape PLANT. And other old leaves are yellow but their vains are green only other aprt of leaves are yellowing. In second photocopy qll the young leaves are yellowing and these leaves when becomes old then also these leaves becomes pale yellow. I want solutions on this problem.
Thease are on all the plant and totally affect the fruite.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Sabeehkhan.Durani Management control Gray mold can be efficiently controlled by the use of the good cultural practice. Since fungus overwinters on the old plant tissues, sanitation is extremely important. Proper pruning methods, which ensure good air circulation, and destruction of all old canes and clusters, reduce the possibility of infections. Later in the season, the weeds control, removal of leaves around clusters, and preventive measure against pests, such as birds, insects, and other grape diseases, plays an important role. When the possibility of infection is high, the fungicides can be applied, but only at the appropriate time. To determine the right timing, help yourself with model-driven decision support system, eVineyardapp. Use pesticides with caution, because Botrytis cinerea can quickly develop resistance.
4 years ago
Now which chemical fungiside should be apply at this stage???
4 years ago
Hi Sabeehkhan.Durani. also Ck symptoms with Anthracnose of Grape by clicking on green link for taking control measures from Plantix.
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4 years ago
Sabeehkhan.Durani I think you should use Tabuconezole + trifloxystrobin
4 years ago
Venkat Pawar. Thnanks alot sir,, But can u recommend the product name which contain this active ingredient of any Multinational company?
4 years ago
Sabeehkhan.Durani Nativo of Bayer
4 years ago
Better to remove infected one After that go for spray Pottasium Bi carbonate followed by trichoderma and bacillus
4 years ago
Otherwise you can prefer Cyprodinil+Fludioxonil (Switch fungicide - Syngenta) or tubencanazole based fungicide
4 years ago
Suresh Gollar Many thanks Sir,,
4 years ago
Deekshith Ng Thanks alot sir,
4 years ago
Venkat Pawar. Thank you soo much sir
4 years ago
Hi Sabeehkhan.Durani yeah agreed with the above suggestion of Venkat Pawar. Bhai Let me add few more info about its management At this stage you can't get them back as normal. I suggest you to go for copper based fungicide like copper hydroxide which is available under trade name of Champion by Jaffer Agro. It is easily available in markets of Pakistan. It is available in WP formulation. I hope you will get better results ☺️ Jazakallah