Suggest the way to destroy this worms in Brinjal
Stage_ This is the first time we have harvested, out of 10 bags 7 bags of Brinjal are damaged due to this issue. Suggest the best pesticides to control this ...Thank You
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Learn more about PlantixStage_ This is the first time we have harvested, out of 10 bags 7 bags of Brinjal are damaged due to this issue. Suggest the best pesticides to control this ...Thank You
Only one piece came but that too is in yellow in the bottom
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First tip of plant get wilted then stem of the plant turn blackish and plant died
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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3 years ago
Hi Ganesh its Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer Please check this link for more details and preventive measures.
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3 years ago
Great efforts Sreekanth M 👌🌾
3 years ago
Ganesh Looks like that your plants might be infested with Brinjal Fruit Borer that is a very destructive and complicated insect. So you can review at plantix library for more information about this pest and control measures. You have to know it's Life-cycle and stages of the infestations. Please note that adult moth doesn't cause any damage. The larval stages are detrimental to eggplant. If the larvae penetrate into shoot or fruit it becomes absolutely difficult to resist crop damages. So, most wise methods to combat this pest is to be targeted at it's egg or adult stages. For controlling eggs and adults, you can review at plantix library at Biological control section and get more information about this pest and control measures. Controlling of eggs though difficult by biological methods, please note that you can purchase egg-parasitoids trichocards or vial in some pesticide stores. For controlling the adults, you can use Sex-pheromone traps for mass trapping. If some eggs germinate to produce larvae and infect as in my picture you can spray Profenophos + Cypermethrin or Emamectin benzoate and soil application of Carbofuran may reduce the gravity of infestation at a considerable level. Please review at plantix library for comparison or my picture to have more ideas on this pest. Thanks for your posts!
3 years ago
How are you Ganesh it is Brinjal Shoot and Fruit Borer spry fluabendamide
3 years ago
It will give you good result dear and keep posting in plantix.
3 years ago
Dear Ganesh, According to your feedback, seems like that you overlooked the fecundity of insects proliferation. So, in your field the insect multiplied by overlapping generations. I should recommend Cypermethrin + Profenofos for knockdown activity 😂
3 years ago
Ganesh I also agree with Sreekanth M, and Sali.