Eggplant Lace Bug - Brinjal

Brinjal Brinjal


Heavy multiple aphids attack

I tried spraying 5ml/1litre Neem oil in 3 days interval, cleaning plants with water before sunlight the next day. Then tried 10ml/1litre also. No major fix in problem. Infact it is showing signs of increase in population. Note : this plant also has heavy mealy bug attack, for some reason not showing in photos, but it is there.


Prince Lobiyal Aphids Spider Mites Please check this link for more details and preventive measures.


Hi Prince Lobiyal please click on this link : ذبابة الباذنجان البيضاء


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Prince Lobiyal Found hadda beetle on brinjal and some spider mite. Spray synthetic pyrathreiods Cyparmethrin 25%ec10/10 lit. Sreekanth M no any aphids Found only spider mite with Hadda beetle (Henosepilachna vigintioctopunctata)


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