Leaves are turning yellow and shedding very fast
My brinjal plants had very big and dark green color leaves and was producing good quality and quantity of fruits but from 1 month the leaves are turning yellow even small ones and shedding leaves very fast. Flowering is also very slow and the flowers are also dropping and no fruits.
4 years ago
Nauman in your plant nitrogen zinc and deficiencyনাইট্রোজেনের অভাবজনিত রোগ জিঙ্কের অভাবজনিত রোগ Collect detailed information from the Plantix Library by clicking on the green link above and match the above symptoms.
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4 years ago
Hi Abdul Haque apart above sometimes this happens due to low space in pot. Try to shift it in a bigger pot. Add decomposed animal manure fertilizer. I hope you will get better results. Jazakallah