My brinjal is not bearing fruit
Do this brinjal plant has so many flowers it does not give any fruit.most of the flowers that have to give fruit a falling off. What must I do
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Learn more about PlantixDo this brinjal plant has so many flowers it does not give any fruit.most of the flowers that have to give fruit a falling off. What must I do
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Em cheyyalo cheppagalaru
Leaf and then whole plant is burned
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Pls guide me as to what is lacking
4 years ago
Hi Madhuri Your crop looks healthy. Flower drop in your crop might be due to lack of pollination or Boron Deficiency or irregular irrigation or excessive fertilization. Add phosphorous rich fertilizer and try manual pollination.
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4 years ago
Thankyou Srikanth garu for your timely answer