Withering of leaves and dying brinjals
My brinjals are having an outbreak I can't understand. The plant withers till it dies and the fruits don't grow once the plant is affected. Please help
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Learn more about PlantixMy brinjals are having an outbreak I can't understand. The plant withers till it dies and the fruits don't grow once the plant is affected. Please help
I found it in my garden on the egg plant.
Please suggest what we do and what is the problem of my brinjal
Leaves wilting for no reason, turning pale yellow.
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Wedi Farms please click on this Green link : حفار براعم وثمار الباذنجان
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4 years ago
Hey Samira Ghouil سميرة غويل there are no boring marks on the fruits or the plant but the crop keeps on withering.
4 years ago
Wedi Farms please Open the branches of the plant and prove the presence of worms،Help us to find out if you have the same or other symptoms