Please suggest any medicine for this Diseases.
I am facing lot of problems for this diseases. Almost I tried all types of medicine for this diseases. So please suggest me good medicine for this diseases it's very urgent for me.
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Learn more about PlantixI am facing lot of problems for this diseases. Almost I tried all types of medicine for this diseases. So please suggest me good medicine for this diseases it's very urgent for me.
Leaf getting yellowish and curved
Please suggest solution for above disease which is shown in the above picture
The leaves are shrinking and shrinking and The leaves become smaller day by day
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4 years ago
Hi!! Thanks for visiting Plantix community! It looks Afídeo Please check the link to see description of the symptoms and control measures
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4 years ago
You can use neem oil or soap solution with mineral oil to control aphids.
4 years ago
Already I tried 3 times Neem oil, but no result. Could you please tell me why
4 years ago
Mineral Oil is not available in our place. My Native place is Andhra Pradesh
4 years ago
Narendra Reddy confidor 1 ml/L
4 years ago
Pramod Chacko I asked confidor only. But shop owner as given COHIGAN and FIPRONIL. Later I asked why you are changing then Shop Onwer is telling in CONFIDOR only 30% ( Imidacloprid) but in FIPRONIL 70% (Imidacloprid). Finally he is telling FIPRONIL is more powerful then CONFIDOR. Today I spray this two for Aphids, it is Useful for me or not sir.
4 years ago
It should work, cohigan itself 1 ml/L should work, don't overdose medicines otherwise later nothing will work
4 years ago
Pramod Chacko Before I spray only for Aphids 1. Rogar + Neem Oil--- 2 Times 2. Don plus+ Neem Oil --2 Times 3. IM FI + Fride-- 1 Time 4. CapCadies-- 1 Time 5. COHIGAN + Fipronil-- 1 Time
4 years ago
Narendra Reddy the fact is that the numbers have gone too far the limits, they are dying but still they are there
4 years ago
Narendra Reddy next time please ask the community before asking the pesticide dealer
4 years ago
Pramod Chacko After two days again I will spray. Please suggest the best one for (Aphids and Trips) Diseases
4 years ago
Actara 1 g/L - all sucking pests, Karate 1 ml/L - aphids - only if you give a thorough spraying with some quality stickner (spray only during early morning or evening hours)
4 years ago
Pramod Chacko Actara and Karate is enough sir for both Aphids and Trips. Are else I add one more medicine
4 years ago
Hello Every one, Looks like that the case might be an issue now called Pesticide Resistance. Among others highly Contact Poisons like Cypermethrin, Chloropyrifos or Deltamethrin are unique for knockdown activity. Chloropyrifos +Cypermethrin 55 EC is also a good mixture formulation available in all pesticide stores/dealers or retailers shop. So, I should recommend either Chloropyrifos 48 EC or Cypermethrin 25 EC that are strong enough and fight against the resistance development. As the products have contact, stomach and fumigation activity, hope that it helps and control in 3 ways.😊
4 years ago
Neem oil is a very mild product and used as organic, weak in knockdown activity. It is used as a protection against primary infestation. It’s not a good formulation to suppress larger insect population or colony. So, select the appropriate chemical based on the right insects fecundity. 😁
4 years ago
Sali Mattana - Fitocon | Manejebem Pramod Chacko Please check once sir. Aphids diseases is in last stage in my land, I can control this Disease or not sir. Already i invest 1.30lak for 2Ac, if I control atleast 50%. My money will come otherwise I will lose 😭. I am humble request for you sir please suggest me final medicine for this diseases
4 years ago