What are these couple of very small black dots on Eggplant seedlings leaves?
I am noticing one or two very small black dots on my eggplant seedling leaves. These dots rub off if i try to sctatch the surface a bit. Is this starting of some disease or nothing at all? Otherwise seedlings are fine with no stress symptoms
5 years ago
Hi Saurabh . Your seedling are effected by Spider Mites . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures. Black Dot might be due to overwatering waterlogging and direct watering on plant - please avoid it. Make a hole below the pot to drain out excessive water from the pot. Keep plant under shade due to summer heat. Apply sufficient quantity of well decomposed FYM or Vermicompost or any mannuar and mix well with pot soil to develop good humus to supply all good nutrients to the plant.
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5 years ago
Does this mean that these are spider mite eggs? I have not found any other symptom that matches with spider mite attack like webbing underside leaves or browning, etc. Please elaborate. Also, i water these seedlings using a syringe where i water the base not foliage until water starts seeping out and then re water when the surface is dry
5 years ago
Hi Saurabh . As per your sent 2 image, downward curling of leaves be due toSpider Mites . Spider mites are very small in size and cannot be seen through necked eye. So, it clears me that, it's Spider Mites . Let's check on green link for again checking symptoms and taking control measures.
5 years ago
Yes I agree with suresh sir