My brinjal plant has some sort of a pest but I'm unsure of what it is. Can someone help identify it and possibly give a natural remedy ?
So we got this brinjal sapling a few days ago. It started drooping and one leaf even wilted and fell off. The underside has these black looking spots with some white looking stuff.
5 years ago
Hi Arushi Gupta your plant is affected by Thripse Click on the green link to get more informations and control measures on the plantix libary.
5 years ago
Hi!Thanks for visiting Plantix Community! I agree with Majoko. It looks like Tripes Please check the links to see description of the symptoms and control measures
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5 years ago
Thanks guys ! That narrows it down atleast. Now the two options seems to be either spider mites or thripse. Will check the details out. Taking care of it with neem oil for now, hope it works :)