Leaves turn silvery as in the photo
The brinjal plant have stunted growth with leaves turning silvery with spots all over, growth is severely hampered, it is now three months the plants are very small with withering of flowers. What could be the infestation, is it powdery mildew, then most effective chemical remedy please.
5 years ago
Hi Ram Sridharan your brinjal plant is affected by Thripse . Click on the green link to get more informations and control measures on the plantix libary.
5 years ago
Hii I agree with Majoko This is Thrips infestation Click green link for remedy
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5 years ago
Sunil Sharma Majoko , Thanks, what could be the reason for thripse could be the goat manure which I am using ?? Or it is in the soil, before this never had thripse infestation.
5 years ago
Ram Sridharan Jii No goat manure is not the reason. They develop and inhabit in the plant parts only.
5 years ago
Hii Ram Sridharan No goat manure is not the reason. Generally Thrips inhabit and develop in the plant parts only.
5 years ago
Hi Ram Sridharan it may due to Thrips and serpentine leaf miner both are polyphagous insect(which attack several crops and they are sap sucking insect). For better control apply dimethoate1ml/l for serpentine and Fivpronil1.5ml/1 for thrips and for thrips place blue sticky traps
5 years ago
Sunil Sharma Majoko , Thanks to you all for the useful hints. Will try those remedies suggested.