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Aphids - Cotton

Cotton Cotton


How to control sucking pest of cotton..

Give me the ultimate solution of sucking pest of Cotton. Before 1 week I use upl ulala insecticide which contains FLONICAMID 50wg with 100000 ppm nim oil to control sucking pest but it's result was not good. Now my friend suggest me use BASF sefina product along with chamatkar pgr to eliminate this pest. Is this enough to control the pest attack? Please suggest me measure and solutions to control this pest attack. Please help me


Afídeo Adi Kulkarni


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This syrup has insecticidal and fungicidal action. Ingredients: 100 g black pepper, 100 g crushed garlic 1 liter of alcohol Extract Method: Mix ingredients and let enjoying for a week. Application: Before applying, the extract must be diluted in water at 1%. This means that you should add 1 L of water for every 10 mL of pepper extract. The slurry can be applied 1 time a week. precautions: Apply immediately after preparation. Do not spray during the hottest hours of the day. Comments: If you are certified organic farmer, before applying any kind of syrup, extract or product, contact your certification. Recipe developed by: Luiz Geraldo Carvalho Santos


Adi Kulkarni I agree with Manejebem | Artur


Manejebem | Carol this method quite time consuming,can you suggest chemical method!


Hi Adi Kulkarni To control thrip and aphide in cotton I myself applied denitofuron (Token ) along with 0:52:34 fertilizer and plant growth regulator. Also For controlling Larvae/ magot i applied profenofos and result were quite good. Also imidaclopride 70% will give quit good result but that is mixable in other chemical or not you should confirm from seller .


Satish Ashtagi for your information monocrotophos bannd by gov of india. Do not give wrong advise.


Adi Kulkarni You're quite right that monocrotophos has been restricted to vegetables, but you can use for fibre crops like cotton and hemp.😁


Sali maharashtra government completely banned monocrotophos in 2017 and this chemical are highly toxic to human health. So I suggest use another chemical which less poisonous.


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