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Thrips - Cotton

Cotton Cotton


What is the problem with cotton?

Fruits making but burn ,minor red leaves with sides. We don't get good average.. ?


Hi Asfand Khan Shinwari as per your images it seems there is the severe attack of sucking insect pests especially cotton Thrips (that's why leaves are curled up ward) There is also crop is under environmental stress. Solution: Don't worry you can still get good yeild. 1: Go for the application of the Isabion growth regulator. It is the product of Sygenta. 2. As temperature is high try to maintain proper moisture in soil. 3. To induced more flowering go for the application of Borostar by FMC. It contains 20% boron. I hope you will get better results jazakallah 😊


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Masha Allah agreed with Mr Shahzaib Kashan Bhutta dear Asfand Khan Shinwari becoming redish leaves it is bacterial infection and dropping flowers can be controlled by BORON, use THIMETHAXIM + ABAMECTIN use first the above combination and after 5 days BORON and after 3 days use ISABION your crop will become in fruitful condition and insha Allah you'll have fruitful results, jazak Allah, khair_andesh


Naveed Ajmal Khan Asfand Khan Shinwari let me add info about reddning of leaves. This also happens due to environmental stress. Click the below link to know about this issue Leaf Reddening of Cotton


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