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Leaf Reddening of Cotton

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Leaf Reddening of Cotton - Cotton

Cotton Cotton


What is this ? The leaves are turning into red with no flowers in the tree

The leaves are turning into red with flowers dropping continues what is solution for this?


Mancha Angular do Algodoeiro


If you click on the blue hyperlink that takes you to Plantix Library where everyone can find details on this problem and control measures.


Hi +919620822228. Apart from above, check symptoms of Anthracnose of Cotton and Leaf Reddening of Cotton by clicking on green links given here for taking control measures from Plantix library.


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Dear +919620822228 This anthracnose. Spray any ONE of the following fungicides. Zineb. 2 gms OR Copper oxychloride. 3 gms OR Chloronthalonil. 2 gms OR Carbandazim. 1 gm in one litre of water About 250 to 300 litres of spray solution may be required per acre. Good luck.


Hi +919620822228 , It is much similer to Leaf Reddening of Cotton. Please click the above tag to know about this physical disorder.


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