Cotton Leafhopper Jassids - Cotton

Cotton Cotton


Brownish leaf spots on leaves and bolls . Some leaves are yellow.. branches are damaged by heavy rainfall and some plants are logged and square are drop down... Jassids are also on plants .

What can I do to recover my cotton crop. Crop is in boll formation stage. 1 to 3 flowers present on top


Prakash Shingod To control Anthracnose of Cotton and Cotton Leafhopper Jassids spray with Ridomil gold + Tracer


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It's a sign of heavy deficiency of Magnesium Sulphate. I advise to spray Propiconazole + Ulala + Magnesium Sulphate. If your 75% field is OK then give Magnesium Sulphate fertilizer 20kg/acre for better results.


Kansa medise marnahe


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