Whiteflies - Cotton

Cotton Cotton


Sprayed Acephate 50%+Imidacolopride1.8%sp but no result suggestion required

Suggestion some good pest


Hi Percy . It looks like Cotton Leafhopper Jassids and Whiteflies . Lets click on green links given here for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library. Also use fertilizer calculater, crop Advisory, see all tasks and weather report sections available here on home page of Plantix to increase your crop productivity.


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To manage Jassids during primary stage of pest infestation spray Neem Based Pesticide (Azadirachtin) 1500 PPM 600-ml/acre. In case of severe infestation, spray Flonicamid (Ulala) 60 gram/ acre or Thiamethoxam (Actara /Areva) 40-gram /acre or Dinotefuran (Osheen/Token) 60-gram/ acre


Combination of Fepronil (regent) and super confidor after one week diafenthurion (pegasus) mixing of karate 5ec


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