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Herbicide Growth Damage

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Herbicide Growth Damage - Cotton

Cotton Cotton

How to improve quality & how to control red rot disease on leaves

Leaver are dry up & white patches on leaves


Dear राम डोंबे पाटिल The plant looks to be healthy and I don't see any disease in the plant. Not to worry. Keep it up. Good luck


Need one pesticide spray for succing pests...


Dear Agrimurty Pasumaikavalar For sucking pests , you can use systemic insecticides . The following are some of the systemic insecticides which can be sprayed against sucking pests like aphids, jassids, thrips etc The quantity of pesticides is in ml per litre of water. 1 .oxydematon methyl 25 EC --- 2 ml 2 .phosphamidon 100 EC -- 0.5 ml 3. Dimethoate 30 EC -- 1.7 ml 4. Imidachloprid 17.8 SL --- 0.5 ml


Feed with NPK complex fertilizers. Spray micronutrients. Spray imidachloprid along with z78


Hi राम डोंबे पाटिल. Apart from above, it might also showing Growth Regulator Damage too, but not sure. Please click on the link and have a look in Plantix library.  Hope that helps.


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