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Parawilt - Cotton

Cotton Cotton


What is the problem with this field?

It is seen after heavy rain


Kaushik Hirpara Hello sir, this is due to over watering (Increase of water) u need to apply MICRONUTIENT + MAGICGRO DRIPSOL in flud irrigation after tilling, & in Spray Use MAGICGRO SUPER (Dosage 250gm per acre in irtigation & spray 25gm per pump


Dear Kaushik Hirpara It is para wilt. It is due to heavy rains for a long period. Water stagnates in the field and saturates the soil , so that the roots will not be able to get sufficient air for respiration. See that sufficient arrangements are made to drain out rain water as quickly as possible. After the rains subside give a dose of fertilisers and also spray micronutrients. The plants may recover.


Hi Kaushik Hirpara. Your cotton crop is severely effected by Parawilt Lets click on green link for knowing symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library.


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