Cotton Leaf Curl Virus - Cotton

Cotton Cotton


Leaf curl virus ka attack hai.. kindly suggest some solutions.

Patte murja rhe hain oper wale hisse mein,, iska koi solution hai kiya? Whiteflye, aur sabz tele ka attack bhi hai


Jamal Click the below link to know about this disease. Cotton Leaf Curl Virus


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Shahzaib Kashan ive already checked that,, i need specific solution from experienced people just like you


Hi Jamal, Viral disease can not control by chemicals. We control them by controlling their vectors i.e. Incase of CLCV Whiteflies are the vector of this disease. To kill whitefly do the application of Ulala (ICI company). Ulala proved most effective against whiteflies since last year. After this for better growth do the application of Esabian. Jazak Allah


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