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Fusarium Wilt

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Fusarium Wilt - Cotton

Cotton Cotton


After rain plant shows wilting in patch. Its not parawilt as the growing stem completely discolors and shows neck rot in Basmati type symptoms.

Leaf discoloration of affected plamts only


Dear Ashish When moisture content is high after the rains clubbed with high temperatures , encourage development of fungi. In the present case , it could be Fusarium wilt. Drench the soil around the plants with the solution of 3 gms copper oxy chloride in a litre of water. It may give the relief. Repeat the process once or twice at an interval of 15 days. Good luck


Hi Ashish . It looks like Fusarium Wilt . Let's click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures.


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Suresh Gollar Shankara Goud M thanks fr sharing ur views. Bt i hv uprooted the plant and root zone or the stem zone doesn't show any brown discoloration what occurs incase of wilt. Some leaves of the affected plant shows like this also


Dear Ashish Kindly split open the stem and see whether discoloration is found in middle ( phloem area) of the stem . In that case it should be wilt .


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