Leaf Miner Flies - Cotton

Cotton Cotton


What is the remedy for this in cotton

Cotton leaves show curling like monkey paw


Dear Rajesh , Have you sprayed recently the plant growth promoters like gibberellic acid. In case of growth promoters , if the concentration is more than recommended, the elongation of leaf etc are found . Please confirm


Hi Rajesh . Yes Shankara Goud M is right. Apart from this, I think it's also associated with Thrips and Leaf Miner Flies . Click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures. Normally cotton comes well in Black soil. Other soil are not suitable as black soil in getting good results.


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Dear Rajesh It could also be due to improper application of herbicide. There is no remedy for this. Plants may improve after weedicide impact is reduced


Rajesh this is 2 4 D effect use Stanes Kurax 3ml + BC-B 5 ml/ ltr water


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