What is the ideal remedy for pink bollworm attack on young cotton plants? Have applied Beta-cyhalothrin + Triazophos mixture 500 ml per acre, one day ago. Waiting for results. Should these affected flowers be manually plucked out of field?
Attack of pink bollworm observed on 60 days old cotton crop. Variety = BS - 15
5 years ago
Ali Amir Khan Manually removal of flowers is not a good idea. The chemicals you have mentioed are really effective. Hope so you well get better results. apart above the application of Proaxises product by Arysta company cotainng Gamma-cyhalothrine as Active ingredient.
5 years ago
Thanks 48 hours should be sufficient to gauge spray results? Problem is rosetted flowers. Since bollworm has closed itself in flower, so I fear that spray might not penetrate in there to control it. Your thoughts?
5 years ago
Ali Amir Khan yeah 48 hours are enough. These chemicals have also good penetration. We can control them at 1st instar stage. After 2nd instar It will be difficut to control them by using chemicals. Its better to control them by installing Sex pheramones Traps or Light Traps to kill the adults of these worms .
5 years ago
Dear Ali Amir Khan, Shahzaib Kashan Let us ck more options under the link Pink Bollworm for appropriate control measures and preventions. I recommend to suppress larvae inside the boll by Indoxacarb. Biologically, by Bacillus thurengensis.
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