Grey Mildew of Cotton - Cotton

Cotton Cotton


How to reduce the disease of cotton crop

How to reduce the disease of cotton crop


Hello Vaibhav bhai it is Grey Mildew of Cotton spray nagarjuna index to get better result.


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REDNING IN COTTON A. Magnesium deficiency 1 Use MgSo4 30 kg in basal dose. 2 Spray MgSo4 or Potassium Schoenite regularly B. CONTROL JASSIDS 1 Leaf border burning occurs due to jassids. Use Imidacloprid, Difenthuron & Acephate 2 Take one yellow polythene sheet & apply grease on it. This sheet should be moved in the field so that jassids attract & stick up to this sheet 3 Install 20 to 25 yellow sticky traps per acre C NITROGEN DEFICIENCY: Spray 19:19:19 or 13:00:45 at Boll development stage D BIOTIC & ABIOTIC STRESS: Like heavy rainfall or water stress 1 Use root Promoters like Potassium Humate at monthly interval 2 Follow regular interculture for good aeration




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