Sir, please tell me the disease and its treatmemt??? How this happens and why this disease is in my cabbage?
Please detect/diagnose disease carefully.. And tell me its treatment.. Cabbage head/leaves are wrottening.. Our family is so much upset about this..
3 years ago
Hi Skt Pahadi . I am not sure, but compare symptoms with Stem Rot and Botrytis Blight by clicking on green links for taking control measures from Plantix library.
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3 years ago
Don't worry Bottom Rot causes in monsoon spray recommended pesticides
3 years ago
What dont wory sir.. This diseass is present only in our cabbgae.. Why not in other villager cabbage ... Destruction is increasing daily sir.. Give some treatment advise to us.. What should be do to cure it????
3 years ago
I thought it is a black rot of canbage sir.. So what you think about it...??? And tell me about this???