I am farming beetroot. The beetroot affected like above picture. Please help me how to get rid of this problem.
beetroot affected like above picture. Please help me how to get rid of this problem.
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Learn more about Plantixbeetroot affected like above picture. Please help me how to get rid of this problem.
My 2 week old cabbage seedlings are starting to turn purple in some rows. The said plants are looking strong and well established besides this discolouration.
is this mosaic virus or any other problem
What's the cause for this disorder, over 40% plants are showing this symptom
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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4 years ago
Hi Ramesh It is cercospora leafspot disease. Use mancozeb. Apply when symptoms first appear, repeating at 7-10 intervals. During warm, wet weather, favourable to the disease, increase the concentration of the spray and use the shorter interval.
4 years ago
Hi Sreekanth M, Thanks for your reply. I have used mancozeb, but there is no positive result. And one more thing raining every day, so the farm land is too wet. Please help me.
4 years ago
Ramesh Humid condition is favorable for the pathogen. Go for fungicide application 9nce weather clears and repeat at 7 days interval.
4 years ago
Sreekanth M it is a 50 days plant. So we can not wait until the weather clears.
4 years ago
Ramesh There may not be any result if you spray in a rainy day, as chemical will wash out because of rain. Thanks, sree
4 years ago
sreekanth anyway thanks...
4 years ago
It seems Cercospora Leaf Spot of Legumes
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