Can u plzz suggest d disease n control measures
Name of the diseases and control measures..crop name: cauliflower
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
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Learn more about PlantixName of the diseases and control measures..crop name: cauliflower
Pinkish reddish spots started to appear on cabbage
Cauliflower plants of 30 days old, younger leaves are yellowish in color and old leaves shows whiteish patches like burning on tips of the leaves.
Give some pesticides name that to prevent insects and catterpillars
Know how to handle this fungal crop disease!
Know all about your crop to increase your yield!
Plantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
Learn more about PlantixPlantix helps farmers around the world to improve their farming methods.
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5 years ago
It might be due to Downy Mildew . You can spray Amistar Top for effective control. Thanks
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5 years ago
I agree with Venkat Pawar.
5 years ago
Venkat Pawar. is correct.But if you tank-mix Azoxistrobin with triazole fungicide like Difenoconazole or Tebuconazole you can get broader spectrum of fungicidal activity.