Leaf Blotch of Banana - Banana

Banana Banana


Is this disease? (Musa 'Truly Tiny')

In the past week or so, black spots and yellow streaks have appeared on the lower leaves of my Musa 'Truly Tiny' banana, which lives indoors. It is growing well otherwise. It had some spider mites when I first bought it a couple of months ago but I haven't seen any since I manually removed them. Thanks!


Hi Kari, thanks for contacting the Plantix community, from the photo you sent it looks like fungus of the Sigatoka and/or Cordana, please check our links for more information and recommended treatments, Sigatoka negra y amarilla , Cordana del plátano cheers,


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Thanks, I was afraid of that. Is there a way to definitively identify between the two fungi (to select an appropriate fungicide)? It looks more like Sigatoka to me. Should I also remove affected leaves?


Hi Kari, to me, it looks from the photo most likely be Cordana fungus, I suggest to check our biological and/or chemical recommendation, also removing the affected leaves is a good measure, cheers,


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