What's wrong with this banana plant
Is that cucumber mosaic virus so how to control
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Learn more about PlantixIs that cucumber mosaic virus so how to control
All the plants in banana crops become ripen as shown in picture can u tell me what is the reason for that and what are the remedies we can take to control that
Leaves becomes yellowish and leaves die
That plant will be dry
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4 years ago
Virus do Mosaico do Pepino na Bananeira Vírus das Estrias da bananeira Homraj Chaudhari
4 years ago
Hi Homraj Chaudhari. Yes, it looks like Cucumber Mosaic Virus on Banana . Lets click on green link for checking symptoms and taking control measures from Plantix library. Also check Calcium Deficiency too by clicking on green link for taking control measures.
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4 years ago
It is a syptom of calcium and borone defficency. Apply500gm dolomite as two split dozes borone powder 10gm /plant.borone is needed to absorb calcium from soil.borone is deffiicient usualy in dry soil.