Bitylenchus brevilineatus
The pods are smaller than normal and are brownish-black colored with small lesions. The lesions coalesce and can cover about three-quarters of the surface. Pod stalks are also discolored and shortened. Affected plants appear stunted and have greener than normal leaves. Small brown yellow lesions appear first on pegs and pod stalks and on developing pods. Pod stalks are reduced. Later pod surface becomes completely discoloured. Infested plants appear in patches. They are stunted and have greener foliage than normal.
To this day we are not aware of any biological control method available against this pest. If you know of any successful method to reduce the incidence or the gravity of the symptoms, please contact us.
Always consider an integrated approach with preventive measures together with biological treatments if available. The population of Tylenchorhynchus brevilineatus can be reduced by applying carbofuran 3G (4 kg/ha)on your soil.
The casual agent for this disease is the nematode, Tylenchorhynchus brevilineatus. The disease is most severe in sandy soils. Crop yields can be severely affected by the disease.