Bean (french bean, green bean) is one of the most popular and widely grown vegetables in India. The green immature pods can be cooked and eaten as a vegetable. Immature pods are for to be sold as fresh, frozen or canned. It is also an important pulse crop, with high yielding ability as compared to gram and pea.
A good seedbed has friable but compact soil with adequate moisture and free from weeds and plant debris. Acidic soils must be treated with lime before sowing. For field preparation, soil should be ploughed 2-3 times with a power tiller or with a spade. Planking is done during the last ploughing to make friable soil bed for sowing.
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The ideal temperature range for the proper growth of this crop is 10-27°C. Above 30 °C, the flower drop is a serious problem, and below 5 °C the developing pods and branches can be damaged.