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Peach Leaf Curl

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Peach Leaf Curl - Durazno

Durazno Durazno



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Hola Elide Echeverria, gracias por contactar a la comunidad Plantix. Por la foto que envió parece tener trips y seguramente acompañado con pulgones. Vea por favor nuestro enlace en Plantix y compare Trips o arañuelas , Áfidos o pulgones  con la información completa y el tratamiento recomendado. Si tiene más fotos por favor envíelas así podremos puntualizar mejor el patógeno. Saludos, .  

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Crespeira Elide Echeverria

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This syrup has insecticidal and fungicidal action. Ingredients: 100 g black pepper, 100 g crushed garlic 1 liter of alcohol Extract Method: Mix ingredients and let enjoying for a week. Application: Before applying, the extract must be diluted in water at 1%. This means that you should add 1 L of water for every 10 mL of pepper extract. The slurry can be applied 1 time a week. precautions: Apply immediately after preparation. Do not spray during the hottest hours of the day. Comments: If you are certified organic farmer, before applying any kind of syrup, extract or product, contact your certification. Recipe developed by: Luiz Geraldo Carvalho Santos

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