Quality checked by Plantix:

Agri-products you can trust

We lab-test crop protection products to ensure their chemical composition matches the label.
Glufosinate Ammonium 13.5% SL
Fine 5
Fipronil 5% SC
Klip 5
Emamectin Benzoate 5.0% SG
Agrinex L
Chlorantraniliprole 18.5% SC
Super Star
Azoxystrobin 11% + Tebuconazole 18.3% SC

Before using a product, always read the label. For a certificate of analysis of your products, just email us at QC@plantix.net. We'd be happy to help!

Our quality check process

Why we do it
Our top priority is providing farmers with genuine products that meet their expectations and earn their trust. We aim to set a new standard in quality, trust, and value in agriculture by supporting farmers every step of the way.

Supporting sustainable and profitable farming

We believe in empowering the backbone of our agricultural system – the small-scale farmers and agri-retailers. Our two apps, Plantix and Plantix Partner, are not just tools; they are the foundation of a movement transforming the agricultural industry, helping farmers improve their living income and livelihood while agri-retailers can better serve their farming community.

Boost your farming income

Download Plantix

Grow your agri-retail business

Become a Plantix Partner